On August 30, you will have the opportunity to cast your vote for Jerry Cameron, candidate for the St. Johns County Commission. I make no bones about it. This is a unique chance to place an individual, qualified, experienced and committed to public service, on a commission with just five votes that shapes the services relevant to your daily life. Don’t miss it!
Jerry is a man of breadth and depth. He retired recently from assistant county administrator, where I watched him bore into policy issues as diverse as vicious dogs and feral cats on the one hand and the U.S. Veterans’ Administration’s facility in St. Johns County on the other end of the spectrum, testifying powerfully and effectively before the U.S. Congress to successfully jar loose action long delayed.
Indeed, in the mode of rigorous management discipline, he identified, trained and coached his replacement as administrator, so a firm grip on his responsibilities never missed a beat.
His career in city and county leadership is underpinned with an extensive background in law enforcement, twice a police chief and a graduate of the FBI and National Intelligence Academies.
He even put in a couple of decades in the private sector and easily relates to the challenges of small business. If there is an obstacle, Jerry will hunt it down and deal with it.
Jerry is a history buff who can connect today’s public policy wrestling matches with their trails back to colonial times and the values that distinguish our form of government. If you have never seen his dead-ringer portrayal of Patrick Henry’s “liberty or death” speech, I can vouch for its authenticity.
If I might be permitted repetition, please do not miss the opportunity to vote Jerry into office.
Douglas C. Worth
Ponte Vedra Beach