Letter to the editor


On Feb. 23, I opened The St Augustine Record and read an article about Florida Senate bill 996 sponsored by Sen. Keith Perry of Gainesville. I have to ask, who does Senator Perry represent? It certainly isn’t private citizens or nonprofit advocacy groups.

Senate bill 996 would crush grassroots environmental advocacy groups such as 1000 Friends of Florida. Isn’t it enough of a challenge to raise funds to hire experts and attorneys to fight big developers? Having the burden of raising another $50,000 to pay developers’ attorney fees is unfathomable.

Please contact Sen. Keith Perry and voice your opposition. Please contact your district state senator and ask them to oppose SB996.

To quote Ansel Adams, “Isn’t it horrifying that we have to battle our own government to save our environment?”

Gary Coulliette

Co-Founder, Save Guana Now, Inc.

Ponte Vedra Beach