Stop the world
Nearby, a writer decries the work of some local citizens to address the burgeoning traffic problems that we are facing. Her rant insists that no women were involved in the effort, in her mind an automatic condemnation. As with her other assertions, the facts belie. On the Citizens’ Traffic Task Force, the representatives of the Plantation and the Ponte Vedra Community Association are unquestionably female persons, both significant contributors.
The writer conjures up 10-lane intersections and Beach Boulevard ambience for our stretch of A1A, highly unlikely given the existing commercial presence.
One fact is correct. The results of an extensive traffic study done by the professionals of the Northeast Florida Regional Traffic Planning Organization will be presented at an open town hall meeting at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall on April 25. The facts and maps will be available from 4:30 on for viewing and Q&A, with a detailed presentation beginning at 6:30 p.m. You’re all invited.
The writer reflects a view of some who defined the ambience of Ponte Vedra 20 years ago and then yelled, “Stop the world, I want to get off,” or rather, everyone off! One cannot avoid the conclusion that the writer never considered that 20 years would bring in tens of thousands of new residents, the opinions and tastes of whom might be quite different than her own and no circumstance would require a new approach.
Douglas C. Worth
Ponte Vedra Beach