Level Up Fitness aims to train both newcomers and pros


Anyone that has suffered from “gym-timidation” while standing on the precipice of the weight room knows that working out is more than doing a few pullups and then showcasing a six-pack during the swimsuit competition round.

Surly meatheads aside, the banging fall dumbbells and machinery with questionable purposes, (why so many straps?) can feel like a roadblock on the highway toward health goals.

At Level Up Fitness, not knowing is actually the first step.

 “When you sign up you go through an eval.,” said Brandon Floyd, co-owner of Level Up. “We put (clients) on the body scan then take them on the floor and see what their strengths and weaknesses are. From there our trainers and our staff meet and we develop a program that works for them.”

So, when a new client walks into Level Up Fitness, Floyd takes the time to get to know them.

“We do specialties services,” said Floyd. “Each clients workout is customized based on their body type and goals. I am a believer that each person's goals and body types are different, so we don't believe in giving the exact same thing for each individual.”

With one-on-one trainer workouts, Floyd said people can expect to eliminate the trial and error of starting new programs and diets, as well as limit injury while giving an extra boost of accountability.

“Because I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 15 years, I've had the opportunity to go through over hundreds of clients from all walks of life,” Floyd said. “No matter what your goals are, it's our job to help build a plan of attack to get you as close to your goal as possible.”

 Outside of “Leveling Up” tender footed bodybuilding hopefuls, Floyd and former Jaguar defensive co-owner Joshua Evans specialize in training actual athletic professionals.

“Since the coronavirus, when we opened back up, we've increased in athletes. Prior to that I've trained a magnitude of high-level athletes in the community. We’ve gained a reputation of success.” 

Floyd said that especially now with the pandemic, people are looking to reevaluate their fitness goals. Some are just realizing that they’d like to start working on a goal and others are looking to get back on the wagon after the shutdown period. Either way, he said it’s important to remember that a goal isn’t a finish line.

“We help build a lifestyle,” Floyd said. “Even if clients choose to stop at Level Up, they are going to go forward with enough knowledge and experience to continue their fitness journey. With or without us. We teach you how to continuously keep leveling up.”