The Nease High School NJROTC program recently sent nine cadets to the Area 12 NJROTC Leadership Academy and CO/XO School in Gainesville, Georgia.
A total of 230 cadets from Area 12’s 60 high school programs participated in the training, which was conducted by top Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard JROTC naval science instructors. Topics covered included precision drill, academics and physical fitness.
This year’s attendees included rising seniors Justin Blackford and Anthony Huddleston, and rising juniors Mac Davis, Krista Ecker, Jesse Gatewood, Jacob Hunt, Isabelle Jacobi, Lucas Pels and Aberlyn Short. Cadets Ryan Berry and Cali Vaughn, Nease’s battalion commander and command master chief, served as cadre during the week, assisting in the mentoring and training of the cadets. Naval Science Instructors Captain Scott LaRochelle and Gunnery Sergeant Durwin Hanson served as instructors.
“Without a doubt, (it is) some of the best training I’ve ever received,” Cadet Lucas Pels said. “I can’t wait to put into practice what we learned once we start back up at Nease.”
Cadet Aberlyn Short received individual recognition for exceptional performance in academics.
The Leadership Academy staff selected Nease cadets to fill two of the most prestigious staff positions during the week. Cadet Berry was selected as overall battalion commander for the corps, while Cadet Vaughn was selected as Alpha Company commander.