The St. Augustine Humane Society has launched its 11th annual “Pin Up Paws” pet calendar photo contest.
The theme this year is “Paws Across America.” The calendar will feature winning pets and their photos in a variety of scenes depicting iconic American landmarks.
The fundraiser supports the nonprofit’s accomplishments since the contest was launched in 2010. The organization’s mission is promoting healthy, lifelong pet ownership while reducing the rate of relinquishment to shelters.
Members of the public vote for pets they would like to see featured in the calendar, donating $1 per vote. Last year, more than $21,000 was raised by the calendar votes and donations to the campaign.
For a chance at having a pet featured in the calendar, pet owners must submit photos with heartfelt and entertaining descriptions to tell people why they should vote for the pet.
The deadline for online pet photos and write-ups is 8 p.m. Aug. 5. The contest closes at 8 p.m. Aug. 7.
The pet with the most votes at the end of the contest will be the first-place winner and will be featured on the cover of the 2022 Pin Up Paws Calendar. Each of the 12 second-place winners will be featured on one of the months in the calendar. All first- and second-place winners will receive a professional photography session along with gift certificates from Columbia Restaurant as part of the prize package.
The top 80 pet contestants will have their submitted photos included in a calendar collage.
Styling and photography sessions will take place with award-winning photographer Addison Fitzgerald, who has donated his talents to the Humane Society since the calendar’s inception. Local fine artist and graphic designer Maribel Angel continues to donate her creative talents to designing the distinctive calendar publication.
The Humane Society will be promoted on a billboard to be donated by Clear Channel Outdoor for eight weeks along U.S. 1 in St. Johns County.
The completed calendar will be revealed at a Pin Up Paws Party in St. Augustine to be held in October. The location will be announced along with pricing for dinner, live music, silent auction, wine pull, refreshments and more.
The calendars will be available for $10 each starting in October with purchase available online, by phone or at the Humane Society plus area retail locations.
The Humane Society is located at 1665 Old Moultrie Road in St. Augustine.
For further information, call 904-829-2737 or email Learn more about the contest at