In “Zero Day,” Williams explores a plot by the Chinese government to seize global power by undermining the U.S. economy. Armed with an underground force of hackers, China’s Ministry of Public Security has a mission: to destroy confidence in the dollar by launching persistent, aggressive cyber-attacks on America’s banking system. Seeking revenge against the Communist Party for his father’s death, Li Jiang, a senior Public Security Bureau officer in Chongqing, lets America in on the covert details of China’s plan.
To vet and handle this potential asset, the FBI seeks out Logan Alexander, a former Navy SEAL living in China. Alexander quickly comes to trust Li, but the brass back in Langley have doubts. Could Li be a double agent? Or could a trusted American be spying for the Chinese? Reviewed by the CIA, Williams’ latest venture includes numerous authentic insider details.
Williams retired from active duty with the CIA in 2009 and now pursues his passion for writing. He lives in Ponte Vedra with his wife, Carol, and is currently working on his fourth book.