Second in a two-part series.
Here are questions designed to assist you in getting to know yourself better. I urge you to do this exercise in writing, because you’ll forget your answers if you don’t write them down. After you’ve answered a question, challenge yourself to give a second and third answer to the same question, so you wind up writing down as many answers to each question as you can:
What do you want to change about yourself? What stops you from doing it?
What have you accomplished in the last five years?
What are your biggest accomplishments in your life?
How do you think you come across to other people? How do they see you?
What do you like about your home or where you live? What about it expresses you?
If you could talk to your future self of 20 years from now, what would s/he say to you?
What are you afraid of? What are you afraid will happen?
What or who do you miss?
What kind of person makes you feel inadequate, or that you don’t measure up?
How could you enjoy your life more?
How have your failures turned into lessons or blessings?
Describe the silver linings in your losses or major life changes.
Do you think of yourself as lovable? Do you love yourself? What do you think others love about you?
What do you look forward to?
If you could advise your child self, what would you tell him/her?
What thoughts repeat themselves over and over again in your mind? What do you think they say about you? What emotions repetitively occur again and again for you?
What do you find most challenging in your life?
When have you been courageous? When have you shown backbone?
When have you been resilient? How do you get through adversity?
What are your most important priorities?
What are you grateful for?
———————————————————————————————————————Neil Rosenthal is a licensed marriage and family. He is the author of the bestselling book Love, Sex, and Staying Warm: Creating a Vital Relationship. Contact him at 303-758-8777 or visit